Handelsregisternummer: HRB 102414
Amtsgericht Hamburg
UST-ID-Nr.: DE 256517277
Steuernummer: 42 / 743 / 00774
Geschäftsführer: Marco Sinervo
E-Mail: m.sinervo@mgm-models.de
Telefon (Paris): +33 649 99 22 76
E-Mail (Paris): paris@mgm-models.de
All rights reserved. Tones, text, pictures, diagrams as well as their arrangement and graphic design on this website are subject to copyright and further laws of protection. MGM Models GmbH owns the copyright or valid license for all graphic and acoustic elements used on this web site. The contents of this web site may not be copied, redistributed or adapted for any type of use without explicit and written authorization from MGM Models GmbH.
This website has been designed and developed with utmost care. However MGM Models GmbH cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from direct or indirect use of this website.
MGM Models GmbH is not responsible for the contents of any linked websites and hence cannot be held liable for any resulting damage of any nature.