MGM Models

Our Values

A powerhouse within the modeling industry, MGM Models manages supermodels and celebrities alike. Our models that we represent work worldwide for prestigious clients and magazines. MGM Models' mission is to create a dynamic and elite avenue for our models to excel within the modeling industry and create a name for themselves.

With our vast network and numerous long-term business relations worldwide, we provide our models the best opportunities, whether that be on prominent magazine covers or shooting for luxury brands like Dior, Hermes, Dolce&Gabbana, Fendi, and many more. Equipped with many years of experience in the industry, readily providing clients and models with high-level professionalism.

As one of Europe's leading model agencies treating our models with respect and courtesy comes naturally. Our models' treatment is of top priority to us. Ensuring we take special care in guiding our promising young models and reliably building their careers while also respecting their individual boundaries.

MGM Models does not tolerate any mistreatment or prejudice towards our models. We believe in maintaining the highest ethical standards in the company.

We are passionate and committed, striving towards excellence daily.